Quick Start

Get started quickly with TransactionKit

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The Quick Start below is available as a well documented, fully functioning live example on CodeSandbox.

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Otherwise, please keep following the instructions below.

Bootstrap a React App

Let's keep it simple and use create-react-app here. Run the following command in a directory of your choice:

npx create-react-app txkit-quickstart

The above command will install and bootstrap a basic React App into a directory called txkit-quickstart. Once the installation has finished, change directory into your newly bootstrapped React app by typing:

cd txkit-quickstart

Install Transaction Kit

Next, install TransactionKit and Ethers

npm i @etherspot/transaction-kit [email protected]
// or
yarn add @etherspot/transaction-kit [email protected]

Create a Web3 Provider

A Web3 provider ultimately provides access to blockchain account, also known as a wallet.

For the Quick Start example, we will randomly generate a wallet.

index.tsx / index.js
import { EtherspotTransactionKit } from '@etherspot/transaction-kit';
import { ethers } from 'ethers';

// ...

const randomWallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
const providerWallet = new ethers.Wallet(randomWallet.privateKey);

Wrap your <App /> with <EtherspotTransactionKit />

Wrap your React <App /> tag in the <EtherspotTransactionKit /> tag. This will turbocharge your React app with the power of Etherspot and everything that the platform can offer.

index.tsx / index.js
      provider={providerWallet} /* The random wallet we created above */
      chainId={80001} /* Polygon Testnet - Mumbai */
      <App />

Get yourself some Polygon Mumbai Testnet funds

In order to execute a transaction, you need to fund your randomly created account with Test MATIC, the native token on Polygon Mumbai. You can get some for free below.


Build a UI

We're going to start with a simple example - sending some MATIC to another address. TransactionKit makes this really, really easy. Have a look at the code below.

import {
} from '@etherspot/transaction-kit';

// In your main function body...

const { estimate, send } = useEtherspotTransactions();
const etherspotAddresses = useEtherspotAddresses();

const [address, setAddress] = useState('0x271Ae6E03257264F0F7cb03506b12A027Ec53B31');
const [amount, setAmount] = useState('0.001');

// In your rendering function...

      {/* The following returns a list of Blockchain
          addresses that are ready to use */}
        etherspotAddresses.map((etherspotAddressObject) =>
            <p>Blockchain Name: {etherspotAddressObject.chainName}</p>
            <p>Blockchain ID:{etherspotAddressObject.chainId}</p>
            <p>Address: {etherspotAddressObject.address}</p>
        onChange={(event) => setAddress(event.target.value)}
        onChange={(event) => setAmount(event.target.value)}
      <hr />
      <button onClick={() => estimate()}>Estimate</button>
      <button onClick={() => send()}>Send</button>

You must always estimate before sending

Estimating first performs important transaction cost calculations that are required before sending.

Once sent - you can check the transaction on the Polygon Mumbai blockchain explorer here.

🎉 Congratulations!

You've just sent your first transaction using TransactionKit! Wasn't that easy? Why not have a look around the TransactionKit documentation to see what else you can do with TransactionKit!

Last updated

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