Instantiate Etherspot SDK

Instantiating on all available chains

Use the same private key or authentication method when instantiating an instance of the Etherspot SDK to generate the same Ethereum address across all chains!

Here we show you a basic example of how you could go about instantiating all the networks we support and make them available via a class.

import {
  Sdk as EtherspotSdk,
} from 'etherspot';

class EtherspotService {
  instances: { [network: string]: EtherspotSdk } = {};
  init(privateKey: string): void {
    * You can use this space to do anything else
    * you're application may require to run.
    // Mainnet
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Mainnet] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Mainnet });
    // Gnosis Chain (xDai)
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Xdai] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Xdai });
    // Binance Smart Chain
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Bsc] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Bsc });
    // Polygon, formerly known as Matic
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Matic] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Matic });
    // Fantom
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Fantom] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Fantom });
    // Aurora
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Aurora] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Aurora });
    // Avalanche
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Avalanche] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Avalanche });   
    // Arbitrum
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Arbitrum] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Arbitrum });  
    // Moonbeam
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Moonbeam] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Moonbeam }); 
    // Celo
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Celo] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Celo });
    // Fuse
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Fuse] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Fuse });
    // ArbitrumNova
    this.instances[NetworkNames.ArbitrumNova] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.ArbitrumNova });
    // Optimism
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Optimism] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Optimism });
    // Neon
    this.instances[NetworkNames.Neon] =
      new EtherspotSdk(privateKey, { networkName: NetworkNames.Neon });      

Instantiating on a single chain

Below is some examples of how you would instantiate an instance on the Etherspot SDK on a single chain.

import { Sdk, NetworkNames, randomPrivateKey } from 'etherspot';

const privateKey = randomPrivateKey();
let sdk: Sdk

* Replace `privateKey` with your own private key
* or Etherspot Authentication method.
sdk = new Sdk({
}, {
  networkName: 'mainnet' as NetworkNames,
});'SDK created');

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